Time for Change

South Korea’s first Transgender Pride film festival proposal

December 2023

  • Month-long film festival programme
  • Website with information and resources
  • Promotional posters and merchandise
  • Social media content and marketing materials

Time for Change aims to amplify the issues that the transgender community in South Korea face through a campaign that utilises social media to capture and highlight lived experiences, along with facilitating a Trans Pride Film Festival by the Han River in order to increase the community’s visibility. Informed by a survey conducted to gather views on/of the trnasgender community, the campaign aims to create a platform to promote the interactions between the trans community and the rest of the society through activities such as hosting panel discussions following the film screenings and fostering a safe and inclusive environment through the provision of resources for sustained efforts towards the cause which would also be supplemented by the campaign’s exclusive merchandise, designed to appeal to a Korean market.

Through increasing visibility and awareness about the trans community via the activities and engaging with established NGOs working in the area,the campaign aims to provide a safe space for the trans community to have their narratives heard and contribute towards sustainable efforts to grant them the rights and status they deserve in Korean society.